Saturday 3 September 2011

Urška Sršen

Urška also came to Helsinki in September 2010 and even though it was meant to be a four month stay, it stretched all the way to May 2011. During her time in Finland, Urška studied in the Sculpture department at the Finnish Academy but she also actively pursued other techniques in the Printmaking department. She has an incredible work ethic and made a large body of work. One of the last things she worked on was the animation she is showing in this exhibition. Urška enjoyed her time in Helsinki so much that she is returning there for another year this autumn. She will be completing her degree there. 

Lauren Godfrey

Lauren came to Helsinki in September 2010 to stay for a four month period. During her time at the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts she studied in the sculpture department. While building a shelter in her studio space she also ran a silent dinner service. This entailed of a voluntary dinner guest contacting Lauren and attending a dinner with her that she had prepared. Most importantly it entailed Lauren and the dinner guest communicating without words throughout the whole experience. Lauren is entering her final year at The Slade School of Art in London and for this exhibition she has submitted a hand printed fabric that stretches across the gallery space.

Please see below link for more information on Lauren and her work: (Press the arrow and then "Lauren Godfrey")

Monday 29 August 2011

Yuşa Yalçıntaş

Yuşa came to The Finnish Academy of Arts in September 2010. He was on a four month exchange from Marmara University in Istanbul. The cultural differences between Turkey and Finland were a bit of a shock but he very quickly adapted to his new surroundings. In Helsinki, he studied in the Printmaking Department even though he was in the Painting Faculty in Marmara. He thoroughly enjoyed his time in Printmaking and made the most of all the fantastic resources they have. 

Yuşa graduated from Marmara this year and is already working on an art project for Coca Cola in Istanbul. He is known for his drawings and is showing four in this exhibition. He usually works on a small scale. 

You can find out more about Yuşa and his work by following these links: